clap-help 0.4.0

utility printing help of a clap application


MIT Latest Version Chat on Miaou

Purpose and Features

clap-help prints the --help message of clap based terminal applications.

Differences with the vanilla help renderer of the clap crate:

  • more readable, thanks to a width aware layout
  • much more compact: from 2 to 3 times less lines compared to vanilla
  • options rendered in a balanced table, optimized for the width of the terminal
  • introduction interpreted as Markdown, allowing lists, tables, code blocks, etc.
  • doc of options interpreted as Markdown
  • skin automatically selected for light or dark terminals
  • customizable termimad skin
  • (slightly) customizable templates

clap-help is especially suited to small terminals or big numbers of options.

Not (yet) supported:

  • subcommands
  • your use case, maybe, because clap-help hasn't been used in many programs and each one is different; come to the chat and ask if needed


This comparison uses the broot program.

With clap-help


With the standard help rendering


(my screen isn't big enough to fit even half the help page)


Your program needs a clap Command defined.

Here's for example with clap-derive:

#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(name="area", author, version, about, disable_help_flag = true)]
struct Args {

    /// Print help
    help: bool,

    /// Height, that is the distance between bottom and top
    #[arg(short, long, default_value = "9")]
    height: u16,

    /// Width, from there, to there, eg `4` or `5`
    #[arg(short, long, default_value = "3")]
    width: u16,

    /// Kill all birds to improve computation
    #[arg(short, long)]
    kill_birds: bool,

    /// Computation strategy
    #[arg(long, default_value = "fast")]
    strategy: Strategy,

    /// Bird separator
    #[arg(short, long, value_name = "SEP")]
    separator: Option<String>,

    /// Root Directory
    pub root: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,


  • the disable_help_flag = true disabling the standard behaviour of clap regarding help.
  • the explicit help argument. Here it's with only #[arg(long)] because -h is used for something more important but you would most ofte have #[arg(short, long)].

The help introduction (the part before usage) is defined as a string which will be interpreted as Markdown. It can contain tables, lists, bold, italic, inline code, code blocks, etc.

static INTRO: &str = "
Compute height x width
*You can do it either precisely (enough) or fast (I mean not too slow)*.


On program launch, you should check the value of the help flag and, if necessary, print the help:

let args = Args::parse();
if {
        .with("introduction", INTRO)

Help rendered in a light terminal:

area light

Same help in a dark terminal:

area dark

Complete example is in /examples/area.